Beacons or Head And Tail Lights (Hemigrammus Ocellifer)

Beacons or Head And Tail Lights (Hemigrammus Ocellifer)

The ‘beacons’ or ‘head and tail lights’ are so named simply because the eye and top of the tail root reflect a bright orange, and look as if they’re jewels worn for some unique occasion. The body colouring is a pale greenish-brown, with an indistinct brown line running the length of the body. The males have a faint white mark in the centre of the anal fin. Breeding is by the standard technique at a temperature of 76°F.

For Gharacins they’re fairly simple to breed and are a great species for the new breeder.

Fish Name : Beacons or Head And Tail Lights
Scientific Name : Hemigrammus Ocellifer
Average Temperature : 72° F
Reproduction : Oviparous
Natural Location : British Guiana and Amazon