Blue Acara (Aequidens Latifrons)

Blue Acara (Aequidens Latifrons)

One of the very best recognized Cichlids, the blue acara is a prolific breeder and of peaceful disposition. A fully grown blue acara will average 6 inches long and so lots of space should be allowed.

The body colouring is mainly of a greenish hue, with darker bands running vertically along the body. Under the eye, and in the centre of the body, are two dark spots. Irregular lines on the head, mostly in a horizontal direction, are blue with a phosphorescent high quality. Scales on the upper component of the body are blue with brownish edges, and also the lower half is the reverse. The fins are mostly dull orange with a sprinkling of blue-green markings. Both sexes are coloured alike, but the males have the typical long filament to the dorsal fin.

The temperature of the water should be 70°-85°F, and blue acaras could be bred in the regular manner at a temperature of 78°F.

Fish Name : Blue Acara
Scientific Name : Aequidens Latifrons
Average Temperature : 76° F
Reproduction : Oviparous
Natural Location : Panama and Colombia