Leopard Catfish (Corydoras Julii)

Leopard Catfish (Corydoras Julii)

The leopard catfish is very a well-liked fish. Its body colouring is a whitish-grey, peppered with black spots. These spots extend over the nose, and also form roughly 3 lateral lines along the body. The dorsal fin has a black spot on its upper half, and also the tail fin also carries a series of nearly symmetrical spots. Fully grown specimens aren’t very big; about 2.5 inches long.

Whilst it is usually accepted that catfish are scavengers and rely mostly on left-overs, the aquarist would be well advised to think about their diet seriously if he would like to attempt to breed them. They’re, nevertheless, seldom bred.

Fish Name : Leopard Catfish
Scientific Name : Corydoras Julii
Average Temperature : 70° F
Reproduction : Oviparous
Natural Location : East and North East Brazil